Sunday, November 29, 2009

Family Pictures

On Thanksgiving day, we decided to attempt some family pictures. My dad took the pictures on my parents' street and neighbor's house. I am actually quite impressed with how well they turned out. Besides me in the picture (I think everyone can always find a flaw with a picture of themselves), everyone looks really cute and the background colors are fantastic! For a family who has an incredibly hard time sitting still, looking and smiling at the camera, HORRAY for us.


Carrie said...

they turned out way cute. i'm impressed you were able to get all three kids to look and smile. and you look GREAT (although, you're right, you can always find a flaw in yourself).

Chandra said...

cute pics....I love the last one...I really really love it!
hope your turkey day was a fun and exciting one....happy holidays!

Penney said...

such a cute family!