Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Pictures

Halloween has come and gone.
We had a fantastic day yesterday (even the weather was fantastic). We started off the day with a trip to Fenton's in Vacaville where we met some friends. We stuffed ourselves with yummy onion rings and famous Fenton's sundaes.
We then headed off to Mema and Bepa's ward Halloween party, complete with trunk-or-treat. Then off to trick-or-treating around our street. We went around our circle once, hitting only about 1/4 of the hosues (we don't need the candy, but wanted them to experience trick-or-treating).
Here are the kids in their costumes. Getting a picture with all three of them smiling and looking at the camera is no small feat. I challenge anyone out there to give it a try! Between Owen's actually inablity to look at the camera and Wyatt being the wiggliest kid on the planet, I think we did pretty good.

Lilly was Ariel from Disney's The Little Mermaid (she got this dress-up last year from Santa Claus).
Owen was a firefighter (we had this costume on-hand from therapy) and Wyatt was a frog (I got his costume at a second-hand store for $6).

Pretty good for $6, huh!?!
We hope you all had a fun Halloween!


Unknown said...

They are the cutest! Thanks for coming to our event. WE loved seeing the kids.

Unknown said...

your family is beautiful sabrina!