Yesterday was Lilly's 6th birthday
(where does time go?!)
We celebrated her special day as a family. We told her ahead of time that this year we were not going to have a "friend" birthday party (we'll only do those at special milestone years, namely 5, 8, 12, 16, etc.).
She got to wear a SPECIAL birthday outfit from Mema and Bepa covered in cupcakes! She LOVED it! Mema also made her a special cupcake necklace at the family reunion this year that matched perfectly!
We cannot believe how fast our little girl is growing up!
She was given some wonderful gifts, including a high chair for her Hayley doll, clothes for Hayley, some Gymboree clothes, a special day with Uncle Dustin and Auntie Landon, a tea set, an adorable weiner dog shirt, and a special pillow Mommy made for her bed from fabric that was Grammie Ireta's (Lilly's name-sake).

With her birthday so close to Christmas, we are very cautious about the amount of gifts she receives for her birthday. We definately do not want our children growing up with the expectation of huge amounts of gifts for their birthday and Christmas. That's not what Christmas and birthdays are about. We are very fortunate to have families that respect our decision and give gifts that are meaningful and thoughtful rather than a lot of trinkets and toys.
With her birthday so close to Christmas, we are very cautious about the amount of gifts she receives for her birthday. We definately do not want our children growing up with the expectation of huge amounts of gifts for their birthday and Christmas. That's not what Christmas and birthdays are about. We are very fortunate to have families that respect our decision and give gifts that are meaningful and thoughtful rather than a lot of trinkets and toys.
Thank you to everyone who called, sent gifts, came to celebrate, etc. to make Lilly's birthday such a fun occasion!
P.S. I'll post more about what we did after presents skating!
how fun!! it looks like she had a great time. ice skating? what a fun birthday activity.
we totally agree about the presents. we worry about the boys being spoiled. at colsie's b'day party, we asked that people NOT bring presents, but everyone showed up with one. we just don't want him to expect this every year.
Okay, did you get the "milestone" friend party idea from us or is it another case of us thinkig alike??
Ezra says, "Happy birthday Lilly. I hope you had a good time."
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