My mom picked up this print for me for free at Education Week at BYU this year. It is an odd size so having it customed framed would cost a fortune!
Enter Knock-off Wood.
I found this tutorial from Knock-off Wood on how to make your own frames.
I made this one while Wyatt was napping one day and the other two were at school.
I got the glass cut to fit the frame. This project cost me under $20.
I think that's pretty good considering my grandma had the same print custom framed and it cost her $100!
I've already made two. They cost no less that $5 to make and they are fairly easy (the other one I made was free because I accidentally picked up a 1x2 at Home Depot that had no bar code, so they gave it to me for free!).
I might be turning into a woodshop junkie!
That is a lovely print and fantastic job on the frame!! Sabrina- You are amazing!
I love the print! I love the frame! I want to copy them both!
Looks sooo good Sabrina! Gotta teach me some things!!
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